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Bing SEO – How to Get Top 10 Rankings in Bing.com

Posted by @ 4:35 am

We have been heavily documenting the rise of Bing on this blog, and there’s no denying it has definitely improved Microsoft’s position in terms of search market share.

So now the question for website owners and SEO’ers remains – “How do I rank higher in Bing and drive more traffic to my website?”

While the jury is still out on definitive strategies for top ranking success in Bing, there seems to be a growing chorus of support for certain tactics, which I have detailed below:


  • Backlinks While backlinks are still used in the bing algorithm, it seems not to the same level as Google. Backlink counts for top 10 sites in Bing are much lower than Google, suggesting less importance.
  • Anchor Text It seems that Bing focuses more heavily on links with relevant anchor text, so that should influence your linking strategy – get your text anchor text right.

  • Onpage Optimization One of the more contensious factors, but many SEO experts believe Bing is weighting more heavily towards on-page optimization. Not sure this will remain the case, if in fact it is the case.


    • Keywords in URLs add significant ranking benefits
    • Title Tags are as important as always
    • Internal link anchor text seems to add significant weight to content relevance
  • Age & Authority It appears that Bing places a higher weighting on site/domain age and authority than Google. Again a factor that is surely not sustainable given the importance of social media and blogs in terms of relevant results.

Below is a chart that SEOwizz produced based Bn some analysis they conducted. They compared the top 2 results for the search “SEO Services” in Bing and Google to determine what factors matter most for the two respective websites.


As you can see from the general consensus and SEOwizz’s experiment, the top ranking factors for Google and Bing do differ.

The important thing to note is that none of them compete, so to get Top 10 rankings in Bing and Google wont compromise each other. Smart site owners should be covering off the factors of each search engine to maximize their website traffic.



How To Achieve Top Search Engine Rankings - The Simple Guide


If everyone knew how to rank high in the search engines, no one would avail SEO services. But reality dictates that most people will never take the time to try out various SEO techniques and will have to rely on SEO services to help them out.

While there are thousands of different SEO companies out there, only a handful know how to increase rankings quickly. The mass majority of SEO companies out there only know how to increase links quickly. There is a huge difference between the two approaches.

This article teaches you how to rank high in the search engines. Here are all the steps involved if you want to do it on your own:

1. Start with a niche website. Do not choose a niche where the competition is overwhelming. Some saturated niches include the make money online niche, weight loss, credit cards etc.If you are a newbie online marketer, stay away from these niches.

2. Go to Google keyword tool. Put in some three-word-keywords relating directly to your product or niche. Think up keywords which a user will search for in Google to get to your website. The keyword tool will spit out various combination of long-tail-keywords related to your niche.

3. Choose keywords directly relevant to you. Delete any keywords which you are not 100% sure of. Only concentrate on keywords which 100% relate to your product or service.

4. Check the competition to see how many monthly searches are carried out for the keyword(s). Also check the number of competition pages by searching for exact phrase matches for the keywords in Google.

5. Only pick keywords which have around 500 monthly searches and which have less than 50,000 competing pages. There are lots of them out there.

6. Once you have a list of 4 or 5 keywords which fulfill this criteria, get quality links to your website with these keywords as anchor texts. You can buy links from high PR pages through SEO services out there or you can ask webmasters personally to do you a favor and put up your link on their website. You can also go to social bookmarking websites to submit a link.

7. Repeat process 6 a couple of times weekly. You can be sure to appear on page 1 or 2 for your target keywords by doing this.


Last Updated on Tuesday, March 26 2013 17:09

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